E 50th St Apt 4b
New York, NY 10022
*Rental Value Coming Soon
This Condo Foreclosure is located at E 50th St Apt 4b, New York, NY 10022. This property is currently bank owned with an estimated market value of $3375076.
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Learn about E 50th St Apt 4b in New York, NY
This condo property is available as a foreclosure at E 50th St Apt 4b. Our team of real estate experts has conducted a thorough analysis of the current market conditions in New York, specifically for E 50th St Apt 4b and comparable listings. Based on this expert analysis, the estimated market value is $3375076. If purchased for rental purposes, the monthly rental rate could range between $٠ and $٠, providing a solid return on investment. Factors considered in this calculation include the property location, condition, status, and convenience, all assessed by our experienced professionals. Properties like this one on E 50th St Apt 4b are updated daily along with others in New York, New York, ensuring you have the most current and accurate information. Since this property is a foreclosure, be sure to check out our Foreclosure Timeline for E 50th St Apt 4b below to see detailed and helpful information about what stage of the foreclosure process this listing is in.
Buy this home for as little as $17,912.43
Plus $5,062.61 with taxes and insurance
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